
singing in the rain

love cherry motion

ODD EYE CIRCLE’s music represents itself a girl crush concept around the theme of love and attraction. The members are portrayed as being playful and tempting while expressing their fondness and seduction towards their beloved ones. Other subjects in their songs include playfulness, temptation, romance and intimacy.

The three girls of ODD EYE CIRCLE talk about how you shouldn’t wait for love to happen passively, but should take the initiative to make it happen yourself. Each member possesses one unique eye that glows an upward crescent in their representative color. The members are also each associated with a moon.

They are believed to possess unique powers. Kim Lip has the power of traveling through time through speed. JinSoul is able to travel in space (teleportation) and Choerry has a link to mirrors, in order to transport through other member’s universes.